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tamoadmin 2024-09-11 人已围观

简介1.初中一般现在时,一般过去时,现在进行时,过去进行时,一般将来时,现在完成时,这些句子,越多越好2.英语句子 关于现在完成时 的句子 共12个 各位高手帮解答 一下 悬赏50 好的话追加 一定要保证正确 急啊3.10个现在完成时的句子I he ate my lunch.?我已经吃了午饭。I he finished my homework. ?我已经做完了我的功课。She has visited


2.英语句子 关于现在完成时 的句子 共12个 各位高手帮解答 一下 悬赏50 好的话追加 一定要保证正确 急啊



I he ate my lunch.?我已经吃了午饭。

I he finished my homework. ?我已经做完了我的功课。

She has visited her grandma. ?她已经拜访了她的奶奶。

He has talked to the teacher. ?他已经跟老师谈过了。

You he been my good friend. ?你一直是我的好朋友。

I he not called my mother today. ?我今天还没有给我妈妈打电话。

We he watched this movie.?我们已经看过这部**。

They he heard the new song. ?他们已经听过这首新歌。

I he been to that new restaurant.?我已经去过那个新餐馆。

She has bought a new cell phone. ?她已经买了一部新手机。

My older sister has graduated from college.?我姐姐已经大学毕业了。

I he learned how to drive. ?我已经学会了怎样开车。

He has tought me how to dance. ?他已经教了我怎样跳舞。

She has ran for 2 hours. ?她已经跑了2小时。

I he made 10 dollars.?我已经赚了10块钱。




例:I he just done my homework.

Who has taken my pen?

He has lived here since 1992.

The bus has just left.

They he seen the film already.


现在完成时的句子结构是“主语+助动词he / has + 动词过去分词”。当主语是第三人称单数形式时,要用助动词has,其他形式主语时用助动词he.

例:I he had lunch already.

She has bought some books .

The building has been built for 3 years.





1. 表示一个动作刚刚结束或完成,但这个动作所造成的状态或影响依然存在,即表示过去的动作对现在的影响或结果,强调现在的情况,常与副词just, already, yet 连用。(注意:already多用于肯定句或疑问句中,yet常用于疑问句或否定句句尾。)

We he already known each other.

I he just washed my face.

I hen’t read your novel yet.

2. 表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态一直持续到现在,而且可能继续下去,常与for或since引导的表示一段时间的状语连用。For后接一段时间;since 后接过去的点时间或表示过去时间的时间状语从句。

It hasn’t rained since two months ago.

He has been in Beijing for over ten years.

How many words he you learned since you came here?

3. 表示从过去到现在曾经发生过或经历过某事,表达一种经验或经历,常与副词ever, never, once, twice, before等连用。

He you ever seen him before?

We he ever been to hainan many times.

I he never seen you before.


1. he (has)been to 表示“曾经去过或到过某地”,表示一种经历,现在可能还在那里,也可能不在那里了。它可以与ever, never, once, twice等连用。

I he been to Australia three times.

Has she ever been there?

he (has)gone to表示“某人去某地了”说明那个人不在说话处,其主语常用第三人称。

I didn’t see your father. Where is he?

He has gone to Australia.

2. 点动词或非延续性动词:

buy, borrow, lee, join, die, arrive, come, go, begin, start, get, become, lose等,它们不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。如:

for +一段时间,since引导的表示一段时间的时间状语。

(1) 用延续性动词或状态动词代替非延续性动词。

buy------ he



die--- be dead

marry----be married

start(begin)---be on

end(finish)----be over

join------ be in

arrive(reach, get to,)---be in

lee---be off

例:I he kept the book for a month.

She has had the bike for over a year.

They he been in this country for more than 3 years.

The concert has been on for half an hour.

They he been off for a long time.

(2) 使用“It is /it has been + 时间+ since +过去时态的句子 ”结构,表示以since引导的时间状语从句中的动作自发生以来已经有一段时间了。It后面的be动词常用一般现在时,但有时也可以用一般将来时或一般现在时。

1. It is a long time since they saw each other last.

2. How long is it since you took part in the organization?

3.It has been 3 years since I lived here.

4.It will be 8 years next month since I became a teacher.


现在完成时强调的是过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,重点说明现在,它不能与明确指出过去的时间的状语 (如yesterday, last week, three years ago, …ago, just now, )连用。但可以和一些不明确指出时间的时间状语(如:already, ever, never, yet, sometimes, begore, often, once, twice)连用。


英语句子 关于现在完成时 的句子 共12个 各位高手帮解答 一下 悬赏50 好的话追加 一定要保证正确 急啊

一般现在时,I walk to school. he. goes. to. work 一般过去式 mom washed our cloth . my uncle played baseball just now过去进行时l was writting a letter , they were playing on the playground. 一般将来时l will go to school tomorrow. he is going to swimming.现在完成式l he finished my homework. he has hen lunch


1 We hen't seen him for one year.

2 We he leaened only five lessons so far.

3 I he already written three letters this morning till now.

4 The car has come.

5 He lost that book.

6 He you ever seen a cat with white ears?

7 I he eaten dumplings before.

8 Has the train come?

9 They he just finished the work.

10 This woman has never heard about this story.

11 The plane has just arrived.

12 Has your brother ever seen this film?


在初中英语语法的学习中,现在完成时是学习的重点和难点,也是中考必考的知识点,因此,掌握现在完成时语法的应用至关重要。现在我纠纷大家分享10个现在完成时的句子 。 1. He you ever treled on a plane? 你坐飞机旅行过吗? 2. He you ever been abroad? 你出国过吗? 3. I?ve just finished reading the book. 我刚读完书。 4. I?ve never been there. 我从来没去那里。 5. I?ve already been there twice. 我只去过那里两次。 6. Who has been to Hawaii? None of us has. 谁去过夏威夷?没人去过。 7. Has anybody water-skied before? 有人之前滑过水吗? 8. How long he you been here in Sydney? 你来悉尼多久了? 9. I know you?ve come to see your father. 我知道你来看你的爸爸。 10. You?ve learnt surfing from him, hen?t you? 你从他那里学的滑水,不是吗?